Management of Daechengho Obaengrigil(Daecheong lake 200km path)
It is about 200km long walking track that covers all small streams and natural villages, hiking trails, walks along the mountain fortress around Daecheong Lake in Daejeon/Chungcheong area.
- Outline of Daechengho Obaengrigil
- Spatial range: Donggu and Daedeokgu districts in Daejeon city, Cheongwon, Boeun, Okcheon in Chungcheongbukdo province
- Section and length: 21 sections in total, 247km
- Major attractions: Daecheong dam, Chudong marsh park, Daecheongho natural ecology museum, Gwandongmyoryeo, Heungjin village path, Cheongnamdae, The land of the Korean peninsula shape, Cherry Blossoms drive road
- Management period : 2013. 8 ~ present
- Content of business : Maintenance and management of Daechengho Obaengrigil